Friday, October 24, 2008

Sweet Bear and a Taggy Cat

So finally I am starting to feel well again and have even manage to get some sewing done!

Here is a sweet bear I have designed, I must say it took me a while to get everything right but I am really pleased with it and will start making some for my Etsy and Madeit shops.

I also made up a Taggy cat which is for sale here!

I'm still here!

Hi if there is still anyone reading this!!
Wow I have been away for a while but I must say with good reason, well I think its a good reason! A couple of months ago now we found out we were expecting again, yay! Though I knew something wasn't quite right with how I was feeling, very very tired all the time and extremely sick. So sick I could hardly get out of bed! Jokingly I said to my friend the day before the scan I bet I'm having twins, there has to be a reason why I'm feeling so terrible! Anyway next day me, Matt & Sebby went along to the scan and the first thing the lady said to us was......I thought you were having twins..had a feeling just looking at you!! Luckily I was lying down and Matt was distracted with Sebby...excuse me we said?? Yes your having twins...there's 2 heart beats there she said! Wow twins was all we could say all the way home and I think for the next couple of weeks! We are so excited and can't wait till they are here! Anyway here is a recent scan we had done...definately 2 heads there!